Liangzhong (Shawn) Xiang, Ph.D.

Executive Director / CTO

Dr. Shawn Xiang is a co-founder of MEDICAL MIND and its chief technology officer.

Dr. Xiang is a tenured associate professor with joint appointments in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology, and Faculty Innovation Fellow at University of California, Irvine (UCI). He is also a core faculty member in Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, and Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at UCI. Dr. Xiang’s research focuses on radiation-induced acoustic imaging and image-guided treatment. Before joining UCI, he was awarded the Lloyd G. and Joyce Austin Presidential Professorship at The University of Oklahoma (OU). Prior to OU, he completed his postdoctoral fellowship training in medical physics at Stanford where he was awarded the DoD Prostate Cancer Postdoctoral Fellowship.

Dr. Xiang is the recipient of the NIH MERIT Award (R37), and Research Scholar from the American Cancer Society. Dr. Xiang has served as conference chairs for the 2021 IEEE IUS, AAPM annual meeting (2020, 2019) and 2018 CIOP. He served as an SPIE Student Chapter advisor, editorial board members of numerous international journals, and grant reviewer for the NIH, Department of Energy (DOE), Russian Science Foundation (RSF), Helmholtz Association of German Research Centre, and ETH Zurich.